This post will be a lil bit of everything. My mind wanders, and I can't concentrate, can't remember what I want to post. First off it snowed yesterday! Nadine of course loved it and built her first snowman :) Chris is home from work today, his job called last night and didn't want him to risk driving in the ice and snow today. I thought that was so thoughtful, since he is one of the employee's who lives the farthest away.
On a more serious note I ended up in the emergency room last night. I had a small bite on the back of my head from who knows what, and I scratched it in my sleep. It started out a lil lump and in a matter of a day turned into something the size of half my fist. It is so painful I can't sleep, turn my head, or concentrate on anything. Turns out I have MRSA staph infection. Ewww! I've read up on it and it can be very serious. I started antibiotics last night and pain pills, but I still got about 2 hours rest. It's right at the base of my head in the very bottom of my hairline and the pain radiates on both sides almost to my ears. If the swelling hasn't gone down in 48 hours I have to go back. Please pray it goes away.
I also have a special prayer request for one of my closest friends. I've known her for 15 years, since I was in high school. I don't want to go into many details to resepect her privacy, but she is a God loving wonderful mother. Her husband of 15 years got into some trouble, and had their 4 kids with him at the time. They were taken to foster care. These kids are so close to my heart, the oldest two I practically raised taking them to first day of school, everything while they worked. She had nothing to do with what he did, or that he was going to do it. Her kids shouldn't have been taken away. She is now all alone in a house with no family or friends near her. She's never been alone in her life, and I am very worried about her. She has to finish counseling before she can get the kids back and she is doing anything and everything asked of her to make sure they come home. She has also left her husband to ensure they are never at risk of being taken away again. It's a heartbreaking story, and I'm afraid she is loosing her faith. Please please pray for her.
im sorry i'll pray for both things i love you auntie!!!
-your keisha forever
thank you for sharing, hope you can keep us updated. I hope you heal well and quickly.
Sending prayers- for you and for your friend.
I am so sorry about the staph infection. I will pray for complete and quick healing. What a cute picture of you and hubby!!
Take care,
WOW. Logan had MRSA 3 times and had to be hospitaslized he ened up getting it from his open heart surgery. Once you have it you are always susceptible of getting it again. Make sure yoiu do lots of hand washing and use hand sanitizer because it spreads fast and anyone can get it.
Get to feeling better soon.
I found your blog while looking for "high risk pregnancy blogs." I am so very sorry for the losses your family has suffered! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and hope that one day you find comfort without pain.
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