Nadine just turned 8! She had her first dance at school, I didn't realize they started in the 2nd grade. It was a great time for her, Daddy, and Maya (I was at work sadly). She is doing great in school and bringing her reading to such a great level that she has been told she will probably get an award for it :)
Maya is 9 months and getting so big! She has 7 teeth, sits up by herself, eats everything in sight, say's DaDa (I'm a lil mad about this lol) and is about to crawl any day. She definetly makes her Mommy smile everyday, I can't believe I am blessed with this little miracle!
So for the changes in my life. I am working now, luckily I work the opposite schedule as my hubby so we don't need a babysitter most of the time. I do have a good friend who watches the girls 2 Saturdays a month while I work, which I am grateful for. Working has done a lot for me mainly just getting me out in the world and socializing more. Plus the money helps ALOT.
I started reading the Purpose Filled Life book, has anyone read it? I really want to devote my life to God, to really change myself and my life to raise these girls the way God wants me to. I need more Christian moms in my life, women who can help guide me and give me encouragement and advice. I hope to share my journey with everyone.
I also am starting to get serious about couponing! It's so much fun to save money, it's like a game finding the best deal!
Over the next few days I will be adding new blog list's to my page, and hopefully finding more inspirational women I can follow.
As always I am missing my babies in Heaven. I had a little melt down yesterday looking at David's pictures in my phone. I miss him and Alyssa so much. I miss that Maya will never know them on Earth.